
Friday, June 17, 2011

Camp Laiyne (or From Glamour to Guts)

WARNING: Frog dissection pictures coming up. You might want to pass them up if you are squeamish.

Ilex Layne and Adelaine (my niece and her best friend, aka Bumble Bee and Butterfly) directed two learning camps for kids this week. The first was ‘Going Buggy’ (bug habitats), and the second was ‘Regurgitation Vacation’ (dissecting owl pellets and a frog). (Do I not have the coolest family and friends, or what?!!!)

Camp Counselors

(Notice the coats and hoods. Yes, summer in Oregon. Isn’t it lovely?)

Camp Laiyne Registration rock painting
Leif participated the first day, but he was feeling a little out of sorts the second day. He stayed inside and read (and had a nerf gun fight with Ilex's brother, Drake, and played on an ipad with Adelaine's brother, Conrad).
Leif owl pellet dissection (2) rodent skull dissecting owl pellets frog dissection (2) frog dissection summer learning camp

Ilex and Adelaine collected the owl pellets from the barn above, and the kids were able to see the owl fly out!

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